Stopping by the surgery department, we’ll see surgeons and nurses in white medical scrubs. This has something to do with the need to be extra clean. Contamination is the usual problem that occurs when garments aren’t properly washed because the stains weren’t noticeable enough. Hence, white hospital uniforms are preferred over printed scrubs and even green ones. Emergency medicine, in some hospitals, follows the same course. In clinical pathology, it’s normally expected to see almost everyone in white lab coats and scrubs due to the critical job.
We’ll end the tour in psychiatric ward. In this particular department, it is required for psychiatrists to wear colored
healthcare tunics and trousers because patients tend to react violently when they see people in white, especially those in lab coats. Patients seem to have created the thinking that they are going to be harmed by people who wear white hospital uniforms. White medical scrubs definitely lost in this department.
Wearing proper healthcare uniforms at work is a necessity. It is a requirement. However, you as the hospital staff can benefit the most. How? People especially patients can easily recognize you. Hospitals are amongst the busiest places. Patients come and go. Check-ups happen throughout the day. Tests, doctors' meet ups, meetings, diagnosis, forums, and more can happen within the day. This is why you don't have to wonder why doctors are seen always walking as if there is somebody running after them. Perhaps, they need to hurry because of an unexpected operation or an immediate meeting.
What I’m trying to say is, poor hygiene is dangerous regardless of profession. People who handle food and take care of sick patients are bound by a professional code of ethics to abide by the highest standards of sanitation. When we see hospital garb in public, we sometimes see it as a breach of contract. What we seriously must take into consideration is our own responsibility. If we recognize that the “employees must wash hands” signs in public bathrooms actually apply to everyone, we will all benefit. Try to refrain from giving hugs to people wearing hospital uniforms, but don’t let them ruin your day.
If you’ve been observant with each season of Grey’s Anatomy show, you’ll notice that even the fashionable health care fellas don’t bother much with how they look in the hospital, while they are in their scrubs and lab coats. As long as their uniforms fit well, they will be ready to face each and every long day of work. But what if you’ve got option to look good even while at work?
In the 1840's the nursing uniform underwent some changes to show off its academic symbolism. That was a time when all of academia was taking on symbols, and the nursing uniform was not going to fall behind the game. Still the uniforms were not completely standardized; they still differed slightly from hospital to hospital.

Healthcare professionals value the important role of the Candy Striper, or the more appripriate title, Hospital Volunteers. The name "Candy Striper" dates back to the days when the role was filled by women that wore red and white striped uniforms that resembled peppermint candy. The uniform had several incarnations, the most familiar to my age bracket being the cute pink and white dress, fitted with a belt and hat. In the past 15 years though, the role and the uniform has changed. Men and women are becoming volunteers and they are wearing standard medical uniforms with hospital ID indicating their position at the medical facility.
healthcare, scrubs, trousers, tunics
Posted at: 06:00 PM | Permalink

There are many hospitals and medical care facilities that require their nurses to wear special nurses uniforms. Most of us are already familiar with the idea of seeing nurses and doctors rushing about a medical facility doing their job. These medical professionals are dressed in different types of healthcare uniforms.
Nurses uniforms are mostly used in hospitals though they are also used in various other medical facilities. In fact, anywhere that a nurse is required you will see them wearing such uniforms. Whether it is a doctor’s office or a dental clinic or any specialty clinic; you can be sure that there will be people there that will be wearing nurses uniforms.
Healthcare uniforms and healthcare tunics are a great way of distinguishing medical staff from visitors and patients. These items are available in many different styles, sizes and colors. It is up to you to choose a standard nurses uniform or you can choose something else.
Nurses also have the option of choosing from solid colors like traditional blue and green or they can be more creative by choosing a pattern of their choice. Some medical facilities choose a particular color. Other medical facilities might allow all kinds of designs as long as the healthcare tunics worn do not violate company guidelines.
It certainly is not unusual for you to find medical healthcare givers wearing unique healthcare tunics. These days it is very common to see nurses and other healthcare staff wearing healthcare tunics and healthcare uniforms that are multicolored. Gone are the days when nurses and medical professionals had to dress in white.
Today, healthcare uniforms are available in a variety of colors and fabrics as well as styles. At ArkTrading.com you can pick and choose from an array of healthcare uniforms, tunics and trousers, therapy and beauty tunics and trousers and nurses dresses and uniforms.
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